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电话: 00852-27108200
姓名: Kaylee

  我司专业进出口各类光通信设备及器材,产品有CATV光发射机,接收机,光模块,视频光端机,接口转换器,PDH, 光纤无源器件等

主要产品/业务: Neowel Co., Ltd. is committed to supply cost-effective optical communication solution in global market, with products line ranging from optical network communication equipment, CATV equipment, to CCTV equipment, such as media converter, SFP, GBIC, PDH, pr

NEOWEL LIMITED / 香港 / Rooms 1318-19, 13/F, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road, Mongkok () / 电话:00852-27108200

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